Gender diversity in tech

Gender diversity in tech

Gender Equality Practical tips Gender stereotypes Tech

Chloé Hermary - Gender equality conference

Chloé Hermary

Chloe Hermary founded Ada Tech School in 2019: a network of alternative computer science schools, whose mission is to foster diversity by promoting a more human, creative and inclusive Tech culture.


Only 12% of developer positions are held by women. And 50% of them leave within the first 10 years of their career. This lack of gender diversity raises questions about the fairness of the opportunities that the digital revolution and tech companies can bring.

How can a sector that wants to change the world and its uses be so unrepresentative of society and why does it struggle to retain the diversity it knows it needs? The lack of women is the result of a complex set of structural and cultural problems that are incompatible with the values that digital technology claims to defend.

In this conference, we will explore what tools and solutions are available to us to build a new, more inclusive and responsible Tech business standard.

GEFlorie BenhamouTech, Generalist