Deconstructing ordinary sexism in the workplace

Deconstructing ordinary sexism in the workplace

Ordinary sexism Gender stereotypes Concrete examples Unconscious bias

Pauline Bergeret - Gender equality conference

Pauline Bergeret

Pauline Bergeret is an HR consultant and trainer, specialized in management training and diversity & inclusion consulting. She explored many facets of the HR function (generalist, talent manager, diversity manager, HRBP) for more than 10 years.


In the professional world, many seemingly harmless behaviors perpetuate gender stereotypes and unconsciously influence career trajectories. This "everyday sexism" shapes expectations, opportunities, and interactions, thereby limiting the full potential of employees.

How can we identify these mechanisms? How can we create a work environment where everyone can thrive without being hindered by their gender?

Through concrete examples and actionable insights, this conference offers a reflection on unconscious biases and their impacts, while providing suggestions to promote a more inclusive and egalitarian culture.

Examples of situations addressed:

  • "A colleague confides in you: 'Honestly, I find it easier to work with women.'"

  • "During the mid-year review, your manager says to a female colleague: 'It's really nice working with you, you're always smiling and pleasant.'"

  • "At the coffee machine, you overhear a comment about a male colleague: 'He has good results, but he lacks leadership for a competitive role, he won't be able to pound his fist on the table.'"

By understanding these mechanisms and learning to deconstruct them, we can all contribute to a more equitable work environment that fosters the well-being and growth of everyone.