Women & Money: what a story!
Women & Money: what a story!
Gender Equality Society Finances Investment
Hélène Gherbi
Hélène Gherbi is the founder of FEMCA, the 1st personal finance and investment training platform for women. An investor in real estate and the financial markets for several years, Hélène campaigns for greater democratization of investment among women.
For decades, women have been conditioned to believe that money, pursuing it, earning it, and investing, were reserved for men. Whether through societal norms, family influences, or even their heterosexual partners, they have often been kept away from conversations about money. This historical construction continues to have an impact on women’s financial trajectories even today.
This conference has been designed with the aim of offering an historical and sociological perspective to better understand the current issues of financial inequalities between women and men.
It will address the following questions: How has the history of women’s personal finances been shaped ? What is gendered financial education? Where do we stand today, and, most importantly, how can we make a difference as an individual ?
Hélène Gherbi is the founder of FEMCA, a financial education platform, dedicated to empowering women to achieve financial success and closing the financial gender gap. As a real estate investor and financial market participant for several years, Hélène advocates for greater democratization of investment opportunities for women.