Parenting and equality: Keys to reconcile them

Parenting and equality: Keys to reconcile them

Gender equality Parenting Gendered perceptions Gender bias Best practices

Nadège Dazy

After training in law and various experiences in NGOs and politics, Nadège is now a trainer and consultant, specializing in issues related to professional equality and inclusion.


According to a Women Forum study from May 2021, 45% of respondents agreed with the statement, “You can’t have it all; if you want to be a good mother, you must accept sacrificing part of your career,” and 33% agreed with, “Women get fewer leadership positions than men because they are not willing to make the same sacrifices.”

Given these figures, it's clear that 84% of women and 57% of men believe that parenting is more of a career obstacle for women than for men.

So why, in 2023, is motherhood still seen as a career hindrance for women, while fatherhood can be considered a bonus? Where do our gendered perceptions of the roles of mothers and fathers come from? Will the new paternity leave reform, touted as an equality lever, really shift the lines?

These are some of the questions we will address, drawing on history and cognitive sciences to guide us and deconstruct some of our biases.

This conference aims to:

  • Reflect compassionately on our own perceptions and their impacts on ourselves and those around us.

  • Identify our unconscious biases.

  • Provide concrete strategies for companies to support parenting in a way that truly becomes a lever for equality.