Gender Equality conference - Poker face, the secrets of a poker player

Poker face, the secrets of a poker player

Inspiring Poker Stress management Non-verbal communication Workplace environment

Vanessa Hellebuyck

Vanessa Hellebuyck, the first French woman to win a world poker championship, now applies her expertise in strategy and collective intelligence to coaching and human development.


Poker is a true theater of behaviors, where each participant plays a role, showcases their strengths, and conceals their weaknesses. This fascinating stage has taught Vanessa Hellebuyck a great deal about emotional management, decision-making, and the art of reading others.

This conference draws parallels between poker and the professional world, sharing anecdotes and practical tips to help you better manage stress, refine your decision-making skills, and decode emotions. The goal? To enhance your empathy and foster more authentic relationships with your colleagues.

There is treasure in the unspoken and the silences, in gestures and smiles. It's up to you to better catch and interpret them. So open your eyes and stop missing the valuable information right in front of you. Looking is not enough—observe actively. Words are not enough—speak with your body. Reading and understanding others’ emotions gives you an edge, allowing you to adapt more effectively.