Opening up the realm of possibilities, through non-sexist education!

Opening up the realm of possibilities, through non-sexist education!

Gender stereotypes Parenting Non-gendered education Best practices

Nadège Dazy

After training in law and various experiences in NGOs and politics, Nadège is now a trainer and consultant, specializing in issues related to professional equality and inclusion.


Did you know that researchers estimate that between the ages of 6 and 8, we have already internalized most of the stereotypes common in our societies? The issue, however, is not having stereotypes; it is part of a healthy and useful neural process… The real problem arises when we are not aware of having them as adults, and then fail to neutralize them when we identify them.

Because, while learning to reduce reality into simple, shared, and understandable cognitive models is a key step in a child’s development, as we grow, we have the opportunity to refine our models, make them more complex, and thus leave less room for these infamous stereotypes…

Of course, it takes time to add complexity to this world and to our way of understanding others!

It’s a whole learning process, and as parents, in particular, it’s important to equip ourselves to bring this complexity to our children.

The goal of this conference is, therefore, to provide parents with ideas—kindly and without dogmatism—for:

  • Understanding the neural mechanisms that structure the identity development of children

  • Gaining perspective on the stereotypical models conveyed in books, media, society,…

  • Expanding the realm of possibilities for children to help them flourish and be themselves, regardless of their gender.