Speaking out about your vulnerability: giving voice to the power of being yourself -

Speaking out about your vulnerability: giving voice to the power of being yourself

Inspiring story Hearing impairment Vulnerability Confidence Resilience Invisible disability

Catherine Tetart

As a professional coach in a major HR consultancy, Catherine helps managers, executives and management teams to optimise their performance and develop their potential. Her mission is to help everyone deploy their potential and reinvent themselves, even in the face of adversity.


A former international HR director and member of the management committee of a multinational company, Catherine has been living with hereditary hearing loss for over ten years. This invisible disability limits her hearing and complicates her social interactions, both in her private and professional life.

For 13 years, Catherine chose to conceal her disability, until the day she decided to break the silence by publishing “Dialogue de sourdes”. In this book, with courage, authenticity and humour, she recounts her daily difficulties, her fears for the future, and the reasons that led her to hide her disability. She also shares her journey towards resilience, her love of others and her determination to overcome adversity, offering an inspiring testimony of strength and hope.

Through the example of her unique journey, Catherine invites everyone to allow themselves to be fully themselves, with their strengths but also their weaknesses, and to accept their own differences, whatever they may be.  

It's an inspiring, positive and powerful account that fills everyone with a contagious energy that feels good, and makes you want to stop letting yourself be invalidated by your vulnerabilities, be they disability, illness or a simple limiting belief. 



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