Women career management
Women career management
Many companies report a lack of gender equality in the workplace, which can take many forms: pay gaps, lack of female representation in management positions, inequalities in promotions and development opportunities, mixed feelings among women, staff turnover, etc.
It is sometimes difficult to understand the root causes of this inequality and, above all, the drivers for taking action to give women greater visibility and development opportunities.
The purpose of this mission is to assess the professional situation of women in the company (career development, promotions, culture, positioning, mindset), to suggest areas for analysis and recommendations for concrete action.
- Framing call with the HR/management teams
30 min Explanation of the context of the request, expectations, definition of the scope of the audit and deliverables
- Documentary / data analysis
2h Collection and analysis of contextual data relating to diversity in the company.
- Thematic workshop with the HR/management team
(1h15 workshop + preparation)Designing and running a workshop with the HR/management team to to gain a clear understanding of the internal mechanisms concerning women's careers (career management, recognition, visibility, recruitment, distribution within teams, etc.).
- Focus group with women from the company (1h30 workshop + preparation)
- Duration : 1h30 focus group
- Participants : A maximum of 10 participants on a voluntary basis. Profiles varied in terms of seniority, team and experience.
- Objective : To bring to light the feelings and experiences of women in the company with regard to their professional situation (career development, promotions, culture, positioning, mindset). The qualitative feedback gathered during a round table discussion and reflections in sub-groups will provide input for the recommendations.
- Suggested format : 10 min context and group rules - 30 min round table discussion - 30 min sub-group discussion on pre-established themes - 15 min feedback - 5 minutes next steps
- Report and recommendations - (Drafting of report + recommendations session 1/2 day + 1h workshop)
Report on the results of the various analyses: HR/management workshop, documentary analysis, focus group. Recommendations on concrete ways of enhancing the status and development of women in the company.
- Analysis of the HR/management workshop, data analysis and focus groups
- Recommendations for changing the various practices/processes in terms of career management, visibility and development of women in the company