Career management
Career management
Many companies have been pursuing diversity initiatives with great conviction and sincerity for years: setting up teams dedicated to promoting diversity, training recruiters and/or managers on unconscious bias, setting up gender diversity/LGBTQ networks, introducing mentoring programmes, and so on.
Yet progress is very slow, especially when it comes to promoting diverse profiles internally. Why is this?
It is vital to analyse and deconstruct the standards of excellence and performance in companies. Who are the "good recruits", the "top talents", the "high potentials", the "real leaders", the "excellent managers" in your companies? What critearia are used to identify these people? How do these representations impact on career management in companies, and act as obstacles to diversity and inclusion?
The purpose of this mission is to assess the current state of career management in the company (career development, promotions, development, identification of talent), to suggest areas for analysis and to make recommendations for concrete action.
- Framing call with the HR/management teams - 30 min
Explanation of the context of the request, expectations, definition of the scope of the audit and deliverables
- Documentary analysis / data - 1 day
Gathering and analysis of contextual data relating to diversity in the company, and more specifically in terms of career management (skills repository, performance management processes, promotion files, communications, etc.).
- Thematic workshop with the HR/management team - (1h15 workshop + preparation)
Designing and running a workshop with the HR/management team to gain a clear understanding of the internal mechanisms for career management (performance, promotion, talent identification).
- Thematic workshops with a panel of employees - (1h30 workshop + preparation)
Designing and running a workshop with a representative panel of employees (old/new, junior/experienced, different roles, different geographies) to gather their perceptions of current career management and their expectations regarding the implementation of a more structured approach.
- Report and recommendations - (Drafting of report + recommendations 1/2 day + 1h workshop)
Report on the results of the various parties' analyses: HR/management workshop, documentary analysis, focus group. Recommendations on concrete ways to make career management more inclusive.
- Thematic workshops with a panel of employees - (1h30 workshop + preparation)
Designing and running a workshop with a representative panel of employees (old/new, junior/experienced, different roles, different geographies) to gather their perceptions of current career management and their expectations regarding the implementation of a more structured approach.
- Report and recommendations - (Drafting of report + recommendations session 1/2 day + 1h workshop)
Report on the results of the various parties' analyses: HR/management workshop, documentary analysis, focus group. Recommendations on concrete ways to make career management more inclusive.
- Analysis of the HR/management workshop, data analysis and thematic workshop
- Recommendations for changing the various practices/processes in terms of inclusive and non-biased career management