Supporting colleagues with their mental health


The sanitary crisis has amplified what we have known all along: mental health matters. Colleagues who find meaning and satisfaction at work are retained, and positively influence other colleagues and their own performance. But a holistic mental health approach at work also needs to take into account stressors and sources of pleasure and relaxation outside of work.

In this workshop, you will be provided with ways to prevent mental health stressors in the workplace for yourself and for your colleagues. You will explore what you can do to create a supportive and open culture for those facing mental health challenges. You will also learn about concrete ways to work and interact with colleagues who are having a stressful day, or have disclosed a long-term mental health condition.

This workshop covers ways to talk about mental health: what to say, what not to say, when to raise issues and how to create a culture where all can thrive, despite acute or chronic mental health challenges. This workshop also includes practical tips to support colleagues who experience stress, anxiety or depression. You will learn how to provide support, and how to manage what needs to get done.

WBFlorie Benhamou