Changing the world at my personal level
Changing the world at my personal level
Aline Gubri
Aline Gubri is a speaker and consultant on sustainable development and the author of best-selling books, including Le Guide de l'Alimentation Durable, Ecologique sans me ruiner, and Ecologie pratique pour parents débutants. She has worked for San Francisco City Council, a pioneer in zero-waste policies, and frequently appears in the media as an expert on environmental issues.
In just one year, she reduced her waste by 80% and her carbon footprint by 50%. Better still, this environmental transition proved beneficial to her health, by ridding her daily life of numerous sources of endocrine disruptors. Contrary to many preconceived ideas, Aline also realized that protecting the environment had been greatly beneficial to her wallet. Eager to share these discoveries, Aline created in 2015 the blog Consommons Sainement - which now has 180,000 monthly views - and then published the best-selling book Zéro plastique zéro toxique. With a master's degree in Sustainable Development from La Sorbonne, she went to work for the San Francisco City Council, a pioneer in the world for its zero waste policy. Currently a consultant in Sustainable Development, she gives conferences in France and abroad, is often invited in the media as an expert and continues to publish successful books. The objective of this inspiring conference is to show that everyone can contribute to changing the world at their personal level, in their own way and without pressure. to act at their own level, in their own way and at their own pace.