Adopt a more sustainable diet (your way)

Aline Gubri - Sustainability conference

Aline Gubri

Aline Gubri is a speaker and consultant on sustainable development and the author of best-selling books, including Le Guide de l'Alimentation Durable, Ecologique sans me ruiner, and Ecologie pratique pour parents débutants. She has worked for San Francisco City Council, a pioneer in zero-waste policies, and frequently appears in the media as an expert on environmental issues.


Did you know that the content of your plate accounts on average for more than a third of your ecological footprint?

Our diet is a powerful lever for more sustainability! But where to start? How can we take effective action? How can we continue to enjoy our food?

In this positive, participatory conference, Aline shares figures, facts and infographics to help us better understand the environmental impact of our food, and concrete, realistic advice on how to act today, methodically and effectively. Practical, realistic steps to adopt low-carbon foods, conserve food better, waste less, eat less (and better) meat, compost, buy low-impact fruits and vegetables, etc. Don't panic, the aim is not to do everything, but for everyone to do their part at their own pace and in their own way!

Aline Gubri is a speaker and consultant on sustainable development and the author of best-selling books, including The guide to a sustainable diet, Eco-friendly without breaking the bank, and Practical ecology for beginner parents. She has worked for San Francisco City Council, a pioneer in zero-waste policies, and frequently appears in the media as an expert on environmental issues.